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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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Form input - by Günter Born

Monday, February 26, 2024

What if Civilization hadn't developed some 2,000 years later in China than it did in the West?

One of the points fairly well accepted by most historians about early civilization, but not much discussed, is the fact that civilization actually developed in Sumeria and Egypt about 3600 B.C., but did not fully flourish in China until about 2,000 years later, under the Shang Dynasty, around 1600 B.C.. Now the reasons for this are almost certainly geographical. China is rather isolated from the rest of the world, and probably more importantly, there simply weren't any locations in China comparable to the Nile Valley or the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in terms of their suitability for the intense early agricultural cultivation necessary to sustain civilization, with minimal technology or social organization. The river valleys in China are simply more difficult to manage in terms of irrigation, flooding etc. than were those of the early centers of civilization in Egypt and Sumeria. So, it took a very long time for people to adapt and develop the means necessary to exploit them in China. What have been the consequences of this, exactly? Almost everyone would agree that civilization in China is rather different from the West. But, is civilization in China in advance of the West, or, is civilization in China behind the West? Or, is it both, in particular ways? So, in China, civilization developed later, but, special skills were necessary to sustain it which probably were not necessary in the West. So, let's suppose that China did, indeed, have something like a Nile Valley or the fertile plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. How would history be different, both for China, and for the world as a whole?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

If you're wondering whether the advancing Russian troops in Ukraine will inflict reprisals on the Ukrainian population -- they certainly will!

This series on criminal activity and collaboration with the Nazis during WWII, and its consequences for those involved decades later in the USSR, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUm0BzsD5WM "The Exteriminator/Rat-Catcher" current this year, 2024 in Russia, makes clear that the Ukrainians in Ukraine will certainly pay a price for their rebellion against the Russians. Now that it appears fairly clear that NATO has tired of full scale support for the Ukrainians, the Russians know that they are going to win in Ukraine. They are advancing on all fronts, relatively unopposed, and are taking villages and towns relativity easily. There are no "game-changing" weapons good enough in the NATO arsenal to alter this self-evident fact. Fact is, NATO never had the slightest intention of engaging in a "war of attrition" against Russia for Ukraine. That would involve devoting most of their entire economies to this war, something their populations would never support in a million years. NATO was simply hoping that their engineers and scientists were so much better than the Russians, that for one or two percent of their GDP's they could defeat the Russians. Ain't a gonna happen! NATO scientists and engineers are simply con artists who couldn't design their way out of a paper bag, and the NATO weapons are no better than WWII era Soviet weapons. So, what are the Russians going to do with the rebellious Ukrainians whose populations they annex as they systematically advance in Ukraine? Now, Josef Stalin would have taken a very simple and direct approach. He would simply "liquidate" all the police officers, all the senior civil servants and all the military officers. Nyet chelovek nyet problema -- no man, no problem! Kill all the potential leaders, no revolt is possible. This was his approach in Poland and the Baltics, for example. And, it really works! Now, the fact is, it isn't really necessary to go this far, and, Vladimir Putin, being a reasonable man, certainly knows this. He doesn't need to exterminate 5% or more of the remaining Ukrainian population to get them under control. He probably does need to kill the actual leaders of militant Ukrainian groups responsible for terrorist activities -- i.e. "freedom fighting" -- within Russian territories, and, he will. He also is likely to systematically torture -- with no permanent debilitating effects -- the lower level members of these groups, to intimidate them into submission to Russian authority. So, lots of fingernails getting pulled out and electroshock torture for the men, lots of rapes of the ladies involved in actual fighting and killing. The same will likely apply to most of the actual members of the Ukrainian military, male or female. So, on the whole, those involved in Ukraine in this rebellion against Russia do have a fair amount to fear from the advancing Russians. They probably won't be killed, in most cases, but, they have a pretty good chance of being tortured, I'd say, unless they were totally uninvolved in the opposition to the Russians. If I were Ukrainian and anti-Russian, at this stage, I'd get the Hell out of Ukraine, while I could. Just a suggestion, of course!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

What if Josef Stalin's mother hadn't brought him up to believe he was anointed by God to save the Russian people?

Now, how, you ask, do I know she did this? What historical documents am I referring to, I hear you mutter to yourself. Well, let's take a look at this poem Stalin wrote when he was 15 years old, and was studying at a seminary to be a Russian Orthodox Priest. The Wanderer He knew all their homes Spurned from their doors His old balalaika Strumming its tones His song -- As pure as the rays of the sun! A subtle truth A silent dream And, of a sudden Their stony hearts Beat in time! Their minds Immured in darkness. No greater glory For the people of his land "Here's your bowl of Hemlock," they said, "You are damned, Drink deep, Your song, we know not, And your truth, is NOT!" Now, clearly the writer of this poem has one Hell of a Messianic Complex for a 15 year old boy, even one studying to be a Priest! There's some persecution mania there too, of course. If you think you're Jesus Christ, there are likely to be a lot of people who don't quite agree, and you're going to find yourself rejected a fair amount. But, where is this coming from? Well, let's consider Stalin's situation. A five foot three inch tall ethnic Georgian with webbed feet and a useless left arm, whose wastrel father had deserted the family and been killed in a drunken brawl. Stalin is supported by his devoted mother doing odd jobs to keep them alive. What is Stalin's mother going to tell her son? "Josef, you are special. You will be a priest and save our people. That's why God has made you as you are. You are bearing your Cross, to bring God's truth and light to the world, Josef. You will endure and survive, Josef, to save the Russian people. That is your quest and purpose, my dear Josef." And, thus, we have Stalin's career, personality, and life, in a nutshell. As expressed in his own poetry. Thoughts?

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Wanderer -- A translation of a poem written by the 15 year old Josef Stalin

He knew all their homes Spurned from their doors His old balalaika Strumming its tones His song -- As pure as the rays of the sun! A subtle truth A silent dream And, of a sudden Their stony hearts Beat in time! Their minds Immured in darkness. No greater glory For the people of his land "Here's your bowl of Hemlock," they said, "You are damned, Drink deep, Your song, we know not, And your truth, is NOT!"

Stalin poems for translation

Ходил он от дома к дому, Стучась у чужих дверей, Со старым дубовым пандури, С нехитрою песней своей. А в песне его, а в песне – Как солнечный блеск чиста, Звучала великая правда, Возвышенная мечта. Сердца, превращенные в камень, Заставить биться сумел, У многих будил он разум, Дремавший в глубокой тьме. Но вместо величья славы Люди его земли Отверженному отраву В чаше преподнесли. Сказали ему: “Проклятый, Пей, осуши до дна... И песня твоя чужда нам, И правда твоя не нужна!” ЛУНЕ Плыви, как прежде, неустанно Над скрытой тучами землей, Своим серебряным сияньем Развей тумана мрак густой. К земле, раскинувшейся сонно, С улыбкой нежною склонись, Пой колыбельную Казбеку, Чьи льды к тебе стремятся ввысь. Но твердо знай, кто был однажды Повергнут в прах и угнетен, Еще сравняется с Мтацминдой, Своей надеждой окрылен. Сияй на темном небосводе, Лучами бледными играй И, как бывало, ровным светом Ты озари мне отчий край. Я грудь свою тебе раскрою, Навстречу руку протяну И снова с трепетом душевным Увижу светлую луну. Иверия. 1895. № 123 (на груз. языке). Иосиф Сталин. Стихи. М., 1997. С. 1. Примечание Мтацминда – горный массив. [c.1] Поэту, певцу крестьянского труда, князю Рафаэлу Эристави Когда крестьянской горькой долей, Певец, ты тронут был до слез, С тех пор немало жгучей боли Тебе увидеть привелось. Когда ты ликовал, взволнован Величием своей страны, Твои звучали песни, словно Лились с небесной вышины. Когда, Отчизной вдохновленный, Заветных струн касался ты, То, словно юноша влюбленный, Ей посвящал свои мечты. С тех пор с народом воедино Ты связан узами любви, И в сердце каждого грузина Ты памятник воздвиг себе. Певца Отчизны труд упорный Награда увенчать должна: Уже пустило семя корни, Теперь ты жатву пожинай. Не зря народ тебя прославил, Перешагнешь ты грань веков, И пусть подобных Эристави Страна моя растит сынов. Иверия. 1895. № 203 (на груз. языке). Иосиф Сталин. Стихи. С. 3. [c.2] * * * Ходил он от дома к дому, Стучась у чужих дверей, Со старым дубовым пандури, С нехитрою песней своей. А в песне его, а в песне – Как солнечный блеск чиста, Звучала великая правда, Возвышенная мечта. Сердца, превращенные в камень, Заставить биться сумел, У многих будил он разум, Дремавший в глубокой тьме. Но вместо величья славы Люди его земли Отверженному отраву В чаше преподнесли. Сказали ему: “Проклятый, Пей, осуши до дна... И песня твоя чужда нам, И правда твоя не нужна!” Иверия. 1895. № 218 (на груз. языке). Иосиф Сталин. Стихи. С. 6. Примечание Пандури – трехструнный щипковый музыкальный инструмент. Известен другой перевод этого стихотворения, принадлежащий Ф.И. Чуеву (См.: Чуев Ф. Молотов: Полудержавный властелин. М., 2002. С. 314): Он бродил от дома к дому, словно демон отрешенный, и в задумчивом напеве правду вещую берег. Многим разум осенила эта песня золотая, и оттаивали люди, благодарствуя певца. Но очнулись, пошатнулись, переполнились испугом, чашу, ядом налитую, приподняли над землей и сказали: – Пей, проклятый, неразбавленную участь, не хотим небесной правды, легче нам земная ложь. [c.3] * * * Когда луна своим сияньем Вдруг озаряет мир земной И свет ее над дальней гранью Играет бледной синевой, Когда над рощею в лазури Рокочут трели соловья И нежный голос саламури Звучит свободно, не таясь, Когда, утихнув на мгновенье, Вновь зазвенят в горах ключи И ветра нежным дуновеньем Разбужен темный лес в ночи, Когда беглец, врагом гонимый, Вновь попадет в свой скорбный край, Когда, кромешной тьмой томимый, Увидит солнце невзначай, – Тогда гнетущей душу тучи Развеют сумрачный покров, Надежда голосом могучим Мне сердце пробуждает вновь. Стремится ввысь душа поэта, И сердце бьется неспроста: Я знаю, что надежда эта Благословенна и чиста! Иверия. 1895. № 234 (на груз. языке). Иосиф Сталин. Стихи. С. 4. Примечание Саламури – грузинский духовой музыкальный инструмент, род свистковой флейты. [c.4] УТРО Раскрылся розовый бутон, Прильнул к фиалке голубой, И, легким ветром пробужден, Склонился ландыш над травой. Пел жаворонок в синеве, Взлетая выше облаков, И сладкозвучный соловей Пел детям песню из кустов: “Цвети, о Грузия моя! Пусть мир царит в родном краю! А вы учебою, друзья, Прославьте Родину свою!” Иверия. 1995. № 280 (на груз. языке). Иосиф Сталин. Стихи. С. 2. Примечание Известен другой перевод этого стихотворения: Рядом с фиалкой-сестрой Алая роза раскрылась. Лилия тоже проснулась И ветерку поклонилась. В небе высоко звенели Жаворонка переливы, И соловей на опушке Пел вдохновенно, счастливо: “Грузия, милая, здравствуй! Вечной цвети нам отрадой! Друг мой, учись и Отчизну Знаньем укрась и обрадуй”. (Громов Е.С. Сталин: искусство и власть. М., 2003, С. 27; РГАСПИ, Ф. 558, Д. 669, Л. 46-47). [c.5] * * * Постарел наш друг Ниника, Сломлен злою сединой. Плечи мощные поникли, Стал беспомощным герой. Вот беда! Когда, бывало, Он с неистовым серпом Проходил по полю шквалом – Сноп валился за снопом. По жнивью шагал он прямо, Отирая пот с лица, И тогда веселья пламя Озаряло молодца. А теперь не ходят ноги – Злая старость не щадит… Все лежит старик убогий, Внукам сказки говорит. А когда услышит с нивы Песню вольного труда, Сердце, крепкое на диво, Встрепенется, как всегда. На костыль свой опираясь, Приподнимется старик И, ребятам улыбаясь, Загорается на миг. Квали. 1896. № 32 (на груз. языке). Иосиф Сталин. Стихи. С. 5.

Friday, February 16, 2024

What if Ted Kennedy hadn't gotten Mary Jo Kopechne killed at Chappaquiddick in 1969?

Times have certainly changed since 1969, and, if Ted Kennedy had done today what he did to Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969, he would certainly have gone to prison, quite possibly for murder, and quite possibly for life. However, as it was, her death resulted in scarcely a pause in his career. He remained a powerful and influential Senator for decades, and, in 1980, he almost took the Democratic presidential nomination from incumbent Democratic President Jimmy Carter. What if Ted Kennedy hadn't killed anyone? I suspect, absent Chappaquiddick, Ted Kennedy would, almost inevitably have been the Democratic Presidential candidate on one or more occasions in the 1970's or 1980's. Despite his obvious limitations, he actually was a very, very good politician, probably as good as his older brothers were. Also, let's face it, Teddy had terrific survival skills! Mary Jo may have drowned in 1969, but, not Teddy. How many drunken guys can crash their cars into a river in the middle of the night and swim to safety without getting a scratch? I could be wrong, but, I really don't think if he had been elected President, Teddy would have suffered from the Kennedy curse. No assassination for him, he would have been too careful! So, when exactly would Teddy have run for President, and would he have won? I would say, he had a very, very good chance of winning, but, when, exactly -- 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988? Would he have knocked off Richard Nixon? Do Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan even enter the picture absent Chappaquiddick? What kinds of policies would President Teddy Kennedy have pursued, and what effects would those have had on the American economy, and the international scene? How is the world different today, if we had had Ted Kennedy as President of the United States, and not someone else who actually was President OTL?

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The only reason rape is taken seriously these days, is government fear of overpopulation

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/book-incited-worldwide-fear-overpopulation-180967499/ Much is made these days of the "trauma" of female rape, in contrast to the past, in which rape was generally taken as being something of a joke. While, of course, the government and the powers that be are presenting this as a great sign of social progress, the actual reason for it is very simple. Governments are, probably rightfully, terrified of overpopulation. Overpopulation is the greatest danger governments and the planet are currently facing, so, quite naturally, anything that can produce children is a source of horror for governments. All heterosexual sex and production of children are considered anathema, thus the "worship" of homosexuality. And, of course, children are "protected" now, so that any parent so much as slapping a child is a major felon. While, in the past, when child mortality rates often hovered around 80%, governments really didn't care how women got pregnant, as long as they did, to keep the species going, now, reducing fertility is the number one goal of most governments worldwide. It's not about protecting women or children, it's just about keeping the population down, period. Governments never care about protecting individual rights, they care about control agendas. Period. And, currently the horror of "rape", and, "sex crime" in general, is just a government control strategy to frighten both men and women away from having sex, and producing more of those nasty little babies we currently have far, far too many of, in the world.

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Are American parents actually training their children to have sex with schoolteachers, as a means of guaranteeing their financial future?

I'm just wondering about this. Are there manuals on the Dark Web, perhaps, explaining how parents can get their children to induce emotionally vulnerable, immature teachers to touch them inappropriately, and get intimate with them, so they can have a solid gold lawsuit against the local school board, and be set for life financially? It's not inconceivable, you know. With diminishing opportunities and expanding inequalities of wealth, what other opportunities are any children likely to have nearly as good as simply being able to sue the local school board for sexual assault for millions of dollars? After all, in the past, college training was the route to financial security for children. Now, of course, college training, even at the best schools, is well known to be worse than useless. And nothing seems to have really taken its place. This could certainly explain the delight of parents at these massive lawsuits for sexual assault. It's so empowering, you know! https://seberbulgerlaw.com/when-is-a-school-responsible-for-a-sexual-assault/

Monday, February 05, 2024

Why is Danny Masterson being compared to Charles Manson?

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/danny-masterson-transferred-charles-mansons-233555437.html https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/danny-masterson-moved-charles-manson-000720570.html https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/danny-masterson-moved-same-maximum-181043715.html Yahoo news is making much of the fact that Danny Masterson is being moved to the same prison that Charles Manson did time in, the implication being, I suppose, that Danny Masterson is at least as dangerous to society as Charles Manson was. Now, Manson led a serial murder cult that was trying to start a race based civil war in the U.S. Danny Masterson was convicted of using drugs to make some women more amenable to sex at his home. Now, I believe it is rather common for both women and men to use drugs and alcohol prior to sexual activity and while, technically, this may now be rape, it is very, very rarely treated as such. So, why is Danny Masterson suddenly such a threat to American society, on the same level as Charles Manson? By the way, I literally posted dozens of comments asking this question in various ways on the Yahoo news articles, and, they were removed every time because they "violated community standards", and were a threat to the "safety" of Yahoo readers. HUH??? I'm not really sure Danny Masterson raped anyone, but, I am quite certain a number of women are planning on cashing in very big on this indeed. I'm also well aware that Danny Masterson was a prominent member of the Church of Scientology, and the Church of Scientology is very, very unpopular with more conventional Churches. L. Ron Hubbard got sick of being paid a penny a word to write novels, and decided that religion was where the real money was, so he started his own -- Scientology. Other churches don't like that competition much, at all. So, why exactly is Danny Masterson the new Charles Manson, now?

Friday, February 02, 2024

I've never understood

I I've never understod why he thought that way, It seemed such a simple way to play, No concept of when or why, Just a game of never, never die, But, really It all comes down to nothing, anyway, He played the game, and never understood, He tried his time with endless reason and rhyme, But, it seemed to mean something at the time, Despite the endless vituperations, And mindless incinerations, I always tried to see. II Perhaps we'll work it out better now, With our newer visions of extra time, These help in understanding our perceptions of the next versions, As they spin their endless contortions Into nothingness. But, still, I remain a skeptic To the last. After all, what else is there? I tried to fathom it all through prisms of space, They held their form miraculously well, But, still, It didn't quite seem to work, at all.