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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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by The JavaScript Source

Form input - by Günter Born

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

毛泽东: 孔子革命上帝
详细﹑生动地再现国共双方的军事较量, 明确表明了马克思主义者对“天才”问题的根本立场。“天才”来自何处? 《人的正确思想是从哪里来的?》
毛泽东是儒家和革命家。 这矛盾?
天才: “人的正确思想是从哪里来的?是从天上掉下来的吗?不是。是自己头脑里固有的吗?不是。人的正确思想,只能从社会实践中来,只能从社会的生产斗争、阶级斗争和科学实验这三项实践中来。”
孔子通过知识促进稳定。 革命理论,例如马克思主义,通过知识促进变动。 两个促进知识,在"天才"。
也许是文化大革命使中国人民第一次结合社会革命和社会稳定在中国历史。 是"天才"?

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Obama's true history

Barack Obama was born in Afghanistan, in 1961. His parents alternated between Communism and radical Islam in their true sympathies, ultimately, developing their own unique philosophy of Socialist Islamic Jihad. As part of a unique strategy of undermining the West, they conceived of the notion of educating their son at American Universities, in order to place him as an agent provacateur at the highest levels of the U.S. government, in order to utterly destroy the American way of life. With the assistance of the KGB under Nikita Kruschev, and Leonid Brezhnev, they were able to obtain forged papers for young Barack Obama, and to place him in the U.S., but to maintain control over their "mole".

Young Barack adapted quickly to his role. He managed to find covert allies such as Communist Bill Ayers and Anarchist Pastor Jerimiah Wright, who agreed to facilitate his rise to power within the decadent Capitalist power structure, whle maintaining close ties to the worldwide Islamo-Socialist conspiracy. Ultimately, Fidel Castro played a key role in crafting young Obama's philosophy of life. We can see Fidel's pleasure at speaking with his protege again, which he openly confesses to the internantional media.

Barack Obama makes no secret of his desire to allow Iranian President Ahmadinejad full control over the destiny of both Israel and the U.S. We can see in the election of Barack Obama, the ultimate triumph of Maoism.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Abortion is God's greatest gift!

As the great ancient Greek tragedian Sohopocles observed:

"The happiest man is he who was never born. And the next happiest is he who died in infancy."

What greater kindness could possibly be done to an embryo -- with no nervous system, the size of a small worm -- than to relieve it of the horrible burden of human existence? And the vast majority of abortions are on human embryos. It is not yet a human being. It does not have consciousness, it does not feel pain, it has no personhood. What a blessing to spare the embryo the trials of this vale of tears.

And, if the child is unwanted, how much greater the blessing! What could be worse than to be an unwanted child of uncaring or hostile parents, in a cruel world? Many doctors claim the only reason most parents don't actually kill their babies, is the fear of criminal prosecution, which doctors must make plain to them. Or even worse, an orphan, or foster child, cast off onto strangers, whoring money from the government in return for uncaring care.

We must face facts. Abortion is God's greatest gift. Abortion is a blessed event. Despite the senile ramblings of Popes and Priests, of Pastors of innumberable deluded Protestant sects, Abortion is the salvation of mankind. Abortion spares pain to the unborn, and leaves plenty for those who already exist! Abortion is the solution to overpopulation. What could be more perfect, or more divinely inspired!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Федор Достоевского должен был аборт

"Много ли человеку земли нужно?
три аршина, и закопал его."

Лев Толстой

"Да, смерть – пробуждение!"
Лев Толстой

Чем больше добра можно было сделать эмбриона - без каких-либо нервной системы, размер небольшой червь - чем освободить его от бремя человеческого существования? И подавляющее большинство аборты на человеческие эмбрионы. Она пока не людей. Он не имеет сознания, он не чувствует боли, она не имеет личности.

А что может быть лучше для нежелательного ребенка! Что могло быть хуже, чем быть нежелательные ребенок враждебно Родители, в жестоком мире? Многие врачи утверждают единственная причина большинства Родители не убивать своих детей, опасаясь обвинения в убийстве. Или даже хуже, сирота или приемных детей, с незнакомцами, как шлюхи.

Федор Достоевского отец утонул -- в водке. Когда крепостные убили его отца, развилась эпилепсия. Очевидно, что Царь Николай I считал Достоевский должен был аборт. Он был одет в саван, казнить! Все Достоевского главных героев являются сумасшедшими, глупыми или преступники, как и его Учитель, Гоголь. Гоголь совершил самоубийство -- намекнуть, Федор?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Practical Application of the Liar's Paradox

An informal presentation of the liar's paradox
effectively proves that there is no absolute truth:

"So, you know you're right?"
"Then, you know when you're wrong?"
"Of course."
"Then, when you're wrong, you're wrong about it?
"What? No, when I'm wrong I'm right!"
"That doesn't make any sense."

Monday, December 01, 2008

WI: Nineteenth Century Chinese Reforms are Successful

The collapse of Imperial China, and its subjection to near colonial status by the European powers, was one of the great watersheds in history. An empire that had been one of the great world powers quite literally for millenia, was rather suddenly reduced to absolute prostration before superior European technology and military might. The Chinese were, of course, aware of the problem, and attempted to correct for it. They hoped, as the Japanese actually succeeded in doing, to catch up within a few decades. As it happened, a century and a half were required, for the Chinese to once again achieve parity with the West. Various explanations are provided for this. The most plausible is simply that nineteenth century communications were inadequate to rapidly and fundamentally restructure the entire socio-economic system of an empire as large and complex as China.

In any case, suppose that, hypothetically, the Chinese had progressed as rapidly as the Japanese in modernizing their nation. What would the effects have been on:

1. Japan. Does Japan still become a great empire? I would argue no, of course. The Chinese will be too powerful.

2. Russia. Does Russia still have a Revolution? Does Russia remain an empire, or does it become a communist state?

3. Western Europe. To what extent does China's entry on the scene as a Great Power affect nineteenth century imperialism? In India. In Africa. I would imagine the Chinese would certainly be dominant in IndoChina, rather than the French. What about the Phillipines, and Australia?

4. The First World War. Does does war occur, given two great powers -- China and the U.S. -- on the sidelines, who can intervene at anytime, on either side?