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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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Form input - by Günter Born

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ladies!!! Why the Corrections Industry is for you!

We in the private and public branches of the DOC have noted that, despite the high salaries, excellent benefits and retirement packages in the Prison Industry, less than one-third of corrections officers are currently women. And we are constantly looking for new people! So, in an effort to correct this imbalance, we have decided to emphasize some of the less traditional but very real advantages of the Corrections Industry, for women in particular.

1. Find out what men REALLY think of you. You know how most men won't be direct with you, how they'll tell you they love you, but really, they don't care? Well, in the prison system, you won't have that problem. Men will be very direct. If they have a problem with your attitude, you will find yourself walking bow-legged for a few weeks, at least, after the first day. Actually, if you're around long enough, you'll have that problem pretty regularly anyway, but it might take a little longer.

2. Explore your sexuality. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to explore really bizarre and unusual sexual positions with large groups of men you don't really know? All at the same time? Well, here's your chance! We, at the DOC, can quite honestly gauarantee that you will have unlimited opportunities of this type.

3. Your domestic problems will disappear! Do you ever find your husband and children to be more of a cost than an asset? Do you ever kind of wish they'd just go away? Well, we at the DOC have the solution, all thanks to social groups of inmates, also present in the community, and know sometimes as "gangs".
Suppose that a member of the Arayan nation approaches you in prison to be "friendly" with his fellow gang members. And suppose you say "no". He will contact members of his social group in the community, and your domestic probems will suddenly cease to exist. Permanently! We, at the DOC, gaurantee it.

4. Make extra money. Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur? Prisons provide very unique opportunties in the adult entertainment and home pharmaceutical areas, particularly for enterprising women like yourselves, to make enormous amounts of extra money on the side. We have female employees who have been known to make $200 or more an hour, and love every minute of it! And that's all in addition to their standard pay. And all tax free!

Well, what do you say? Take the plunge, you won't regret it. We know our inmates won't!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Stanley Kubrick, Nietzsche, y la exploración del espacio

La violencia. El poder. El progresso. Estos tres conceptos tienen enlaces muy estrechos en la historia humana. Y, yo creo, que la pellicula "2001", de
Stanley Kubrick, muestra exactamente porque es el caso.

Como son la guerra y la concurrencia distintas? En que manera? Son, en realidad, las mismas, pero, digamos que la guerra es mala pero la concurrencia es buena. Pero, son las mismas. Mira, como la guerra puede se ver como economica, psicologica, scientifica -- todas las formas normales de la concurrencia.

En la primera parte de la película 2001 de Stanley Kubrick, los monos aprenden utilizar las herramientas, especialmente, para derrotar a sus enemigos en guerra. Así llegan a ser hombres "verdaderos". O, como Nietzsche lo habría visto, los "superhombres". Han utilizado su voluntad para triunfar sobre obstáculos y enemigos.

En la segunda parte de la película, estamos ahora en el mundo de "2001", donde, en la película, los seres humanos han aprendido como viajar al espacio facilmente, y tienen operaciones de explotación minera comercialmente viables en la luna y bases humanas en Marte.

¿Por qué no hemos podido hacer esto, en realidad? La estabilidad es el enemigo del progreso. La estabilidad conduce a la burocracia, al estancamiento, al control como virtud y como un fin en sí mismo. Es la opuesta del héroe de Nietzsche, Zarathustra, quien cambia facilmente, con fluidez, con alegría. Y "Also Sprache Zarathustra", la sinfonía de Richard Strauss basada en el héroe de Nietzsche, es la canción del tema de "2001".

Sin concurrencia réale, ninguno progresso. El gobierno ha ejercido demasiado control sobre el proceso del desarrollo tecnológico en esto campo. Ésta es la razón que no hemos podido alcanzar progreso significativo en la navegación espacial.

Monday, January 08, 2007


для вашей страны,
котор нужно сделать?
"вы умерли бы до меня
"мои дети," она говорит.
"вы должны полюбить меня больше чем ваши
собственные жизни!
в противном случае,
мы умираем."
во первых, будет холод.
Холодом будет смерть.
Холодом будет выживание --
но на цене:
боль, управление,
Ужасное напряжение!
Славянин, Норвежцы, Восточные Азиаты, Греки.
индивидуалисты большие
заключино в турьму
И будет начальник тюрьмы?
царь, камрад, президент.
Как пленниками управить?
Не вопрос простой.
Все русские руководителей
реформы попытки
но ничего изменяет!
Только их имена.

© Copyright Jerome Raymond Kraus 2007