There's a wonderful, new, unlimited source of men for the Russan military -- American Sex Offenders!
Isn't is wonderful how the worm turns? All those men and women on the sex offender registries -- they are more than welcome in Russia! And, they can get Russian citizenship, and get clean records there. They can certainly join the Russian military, and probably work all kinds of other jobs there. Who knows, they might hire them as Russian schoolteachers! Because, you see, the Russians really don't give a damn about all the feminist anti-heterosexual nonsense in the U.S., and unless you're actually doing a lot of physical damage, they don't really see sex as a problem, at all. Unlike in the U.S. currently, where "sex crime" is, currently , the control strategy du jour, the means of terrorizing the population into total submission. It's not about protecting women and children of course, it's about control and power, it always is, with the law.
So, we can see the Russian military expanding, and the Russian population increasing all thanks to the brilliant American sex crime laws. It's a beautiful thing. Long live Russia! Long live Vladimir Putin!
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