Russia isn't invading or conquering Ukraine. Russia is devouring and absorbing Ukraine.
Much is made in the West about the fact that what was supposed to be a "three day war" in Ukraine is still going on. Well, that's a fair point. Why can't Russia "defeat" Ukraine more quickly?
Well, fact is, Russia was never really trying to "defeat" Ukraine. Russia's initial intention was simply to stage a kind of lightning coup against the Zelensky government, and replace it with a more Russia friendly regime. As it happened, the NATO airlift of weapons forestalled this option. Instead, Russia has settled down to the process of systematically absorbing all the best parts of Ukraine, and, they may get around to the rest of the country, as well. Compare this to Napoleon's rather rapid conquest of European Russia -- in just five months -- and its disastrous aftermath. Or, pretty much the same deal for Adolf Hitler, over a century later. Sure, they conquered a lot of territory quickly, but, they couldn't hold any of it, and were ultimately crushed themselves.
In contrast, Russia is solidifying its position, importing hundreds of thousands of Russian colonists into Crimea and Mariupol, among other territories. They're building bridges, railways, roads all linking these new territories to the rest of Russia. Sure, Ukrainian terrorists are trying to blow them up, with mixed success, but, Russia is turning these provinces back into Russian territories, in all senses of the word, very quickly indeed!
Sure, Russian soldiers are dying in Ukraine. But, so are a lot of Ukrainians, and, it's Russia that's on the move, taking hundreds of square miles of Ukrainian territory daily. What NATO still doesn't quite get, is that all they're doing by "helping" Ukraine, is hurting the Ukrainian people, and hurting themselves, and their own economies. NATO is trying to teach Russia a lesson, and, they're doing it. NATO is impotent, incompetent, and corrupt, and the Russians can take whatever they want, and do whatever they want, and there's nothing whatsoever that NATO can do about it.
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