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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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by The JavaScript Source

Form input - by Günter Born

Monday, January 29, 2024

The reason governments hate AI generated images -- they blind Big Brother!

For many decades now, governments have been perfecting security surveillance through advanced photographic and computer technologies. In the last decade or so, it appeared that, at last, governments had perfected this technology completely. Microscopic, invisible cameras that could identify anyone through facial recognition technology. Perfect! At last, no one could ever escape Big Brother, anywhere. The government was all powerful, the citizen was helpless in its awesome grasp. But, you know, technology has a habit of going where it wants to go, not necessarily where we want it to go. And, precisely the same technologies that the government found useful, now, the government finds very threatening indeed. Because AI generated images upset the whole government surveillance applecart. Suddenly, what appears to be real, on camera, is not. And, this can happen anytime, anywhere, to anyone. How can the government pursue court actions on the basis of images that cannot possibly be proven to be real, under any circumstances? They can't! We're back to highly questionable eyewitness testimony, and government power is broken, forever. There are wonderful ways you can make this point clear to government officials and accelerate this process. Send AI generated images of important public officials engaged in all kinds of illicit sexual activity. Send AI generated images of the entire U.S. Supreme Court engaged in a group sex orgy together. Wouldn't that be great! Imagine how Senate Majority Leader Chuck Shumer would react to receiving AI generated images of himself having sex with his daughter sent to him by his very constituents! Imagine how Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would react to receiving AI generated images of himself having sex with Capitol Hill pages, straight from the good citizens of Kentucky. Way to go, Mitch! Because, the message would be quite clear. Big Brother is blind, assholes!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Vadimir Putin's next legitimate military target is Latvia.

As the Russians continue to make steady progress in their winter offensive, and as the prospects for continued aid to Ukraine from NATO wither on the vine, it's becoming clear what Russia's next legitimate military target will be -- Latvia. Latvia bars clear access to Kaliningrad, which is a part of Russia, and Russia would like that situation rectified. They don't need all of Latvia, but, they do need a viable rail link to their territory in Kaliningrad. If this can be arranged by peaceful negotiations, all the better. If not, then some type of military action by Russia, will, of course, be necessary. Now, of course, from the standpoint of NATO, this would be an attack on a clear NATO member, and would trigger Article 5. So, what exactly would NATO do about it? I think that is far from clear. I could certainly imagine them doing nothing whatsoever, as long as the territory demanded was fairly limited. I cannot imagine a massive call-up of troops in France, Germany, Italy and Britain on Latvia's account, let alone in the U.S. I could certainly imagine some arms being sent, but, the fighting in such a small country would probably be over rather quickly. Then what? I would imagine that Russia probably could get what if wanted from Latvia, and hold onto it, NATO membership or no. I can't really see a perpetual state of war existing between all NATO members and Russia merely over a corridor to Kaliningrad, if that's all Russia wants, and that's all Russia takes. Sure, NATO might formerly refuse to acknowledge the Russian acquisition of territory in Latvia, but, who really cares? I'm sure the Russians don't. So, sometime within the next three to five years, I would say the Russians will get their corridor to Kaliningrad through Latvia, by hook, or by crook. And, NATO won't really do a damn thing about it.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Charles Lindbergh may himself have been responsible for the death of his own "kidnapped" child!

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chilling-twist-lindbergh-baby-mystery-205900594.html “My theory is that the child was operated on,” Pearlman said. “We think at the very least that his carotid and probably his thyroid were taken out and kept viable for 30 days. We think he died on the operating table.” Pearlman is basing her theory on medical reports from the case and papers written by both Charles Lindbergh and French biologist Alexis Carrel, along with statements Lindbergh made publicly, per Biography. The author believes Lindbergh sent his 20-month-old son to Carrel for speculative operations that ended up killing the child. The theory goes that Lindbergh, who was a proponent of eugenics—the science of promoting desirable qualities in the human race, usually through some kind of controlled breeding—may have been working with Carrel to somehow fix the baby, who was considered sickly. The operations may have been some sort of experiment to figure out a cure or transplant. The kidnapping and ransom, then, was a cover for the operating table-turned-murder. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charles Lindbergh was a total fruitcake, albeit a very talented and determined man. He supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, and did everything he could to prevent the U.S. from supporting Britain during WWII. His fascist leanings could very well have made him think that killing his "sickly" child was the right and moral thing to do, that was a Nazi position. And, he had the money, resources and power to cover the whole thing up when it went wrong, and get someone else to pay the piper!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Russia is producing superb historical war films on the basis of Zelensky's propaganda gaffes

"ПОЛЕ СМЕРТИ" Field of Death 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8z4INc1EZM As we know, President Zelensky of Ukraine is making a point of trying to outlaw any, and all forms of Russian culture worldwide. Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, Pushkin and Tolstoy are pure evil, and must be outlawed, because they synthesize the evil of Russia itself, which Zelensky portrays as absolute. To suggest that Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" is somehow a threat to the West is ridiculously funny, of course, but, Zelensky doesn't quite seem to get the joke. However, the Russians apparently do. Of course, Zelensky's hostility to Russian culture extends to physical culture, and all athletic events. Russia must be barred from all athletic competition, lest the stain of Russia spread internationally, by any means. Such Russophobia is interesting, and, of course, very funny. So, the Russians have taken a very interesting perspective on this issue, from an historical perspective. They have found a very interesting incident in the history of the Nazi wartime occupation of Ukraine, in Kiev. An actual public soccer game between Nazis and Russians, in Kiev, promoted by the Nazis to improve relations between the occupiers, and the occupied! And, the Russians won! And, the Nazis accepted the Russian victory with good grace! Now, I should emphasize, that this film does not portray the Nazis, in general, in a positive light, at all. They are ruthless, brutal, and totally controlling. They execute the Russians at will, and exterminate Jews and mental patients systematically in mass graves. However, even the Nazis, did have the common sense to not totally dehumanize their enemies. Unlike President Zelensky. Now, unlike President Zelensky, the Russians do propaganda right. And, the best way to go good propaganda, is simply to tell the truth, in ways that highlight the lies of your enemy. And that's precisely what the film "Field of Death"(2023) does. We actually see the Nazis having some respect for Russian culture, unlike President Zelensky. We see them actually trying to get along with the Russians in occupied Kiev, unlike Zelensky, who seeks to escalate his conflict with the Russians into an apocalyptic world conflict, every chance he gets. What this film is really saying, is that President Zelensky is much, much crazier than Adolf Hitler ever was! And, unfortunately, that is quite correct.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

What if the Chinese Sea Goddess Mazu were real?

I've recently completed a stunningly beautiful 38 episode Chinese television series on the traditional Chinese Sea Goddess Mazu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojyCgL9AKuo If you're interested, there's also an hour and a half film in English that's been produced on her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PPuPVUJOdQ Bear in mind, the Chinese have always been a true polytheistic culture. The "Goddess" Mazu was actually a local Shamaness, a girl from a fishing village, who manifested unusual powers. She was ultimately deified, and became the Supreme Goddess of the sea, and is worshipped in China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazu Now, you could well ask, why is the communist government of China producing A lushly beautiful TV series and movies devoted to a traditional Chinese Goddess -- the same government that will never allow any movie or television program at all to represent any kind of supernatural phenomena such as ghosts, despite the large role they play in traditional Chinese culture. Well, I think I have an explanation here. The communist Chinese are making a bid to become once more a supreme naval power, and, Mazu is indeed credited with divine intervention in support of the Chinese navy historically, on numerous occasions. In addition, and, in particuclar, Mazu is credited with assisting the Chinese to conquer Taiwan. Does that make things a bit clearer here? So, the communist Chinese are promoting the view among the Chinese people that Mazu is going to intervene directly in support of the Chinese navy in all their doings -- the enemies' guns will fail, their ships will be destroyed by typhoons, their rail guns will fire backwards, the nuclear reactors on their aircraft carriers will go super-critical and explode, sending the crews to the bottom of the sea -- all through the divine intervention of the supreme Goddess of Heaven, Mazu. And bear in mind here, this is a far more intimate relationship between China and the Goddess Mazu than could possibly exist between man and God in Christian, Muslim or Buddhist nations. After all, Mazu is actually a Chinese girl, Mazu's blood flows in the Chinese people themselves, she grew up amongst them, and loves them as her kinfolk. So, what if the Goddess Mazu were real? What if the Chinese people believe that she is real?

Monday, January 08, 2024

NASA now has the means to make huge profits colonizing the entire solar system!!

For decades now, we've heard Elon Musk declaiming on how he was going to colonize Mars, the Moon and the asteroids. And, recently, NASA has taken up the same tune, with scientists worldwide declaiming on the lunar "Anthropocene". Human beings will be living throughout the solar system, mining, exploring and making money, hand over fist. Actually, this is all just a red herring. As we've seen with the absolute failure of Elon Musk's Starship, liquid fueled rockets are far too unstable, expensive and inefficient to do anything much with live humans beyond lower earth orbit. However, in the following article, we can see what's really going on, and, NASA is being rather low-key about it. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/human-remains-are-headed-to-the-moon-despite-objections/ Regarding the future of humanity in space, don't think "Metropolis". Think "Necropolis"! Yes indeed, my friends, human colonization of outer space is more than feasible, it is immediately highly practical, and highly profitable -- human colonization with corpses! And, there's money to be made here. Big, big money. Not just the mere twelve thousand dollars or so for your ashes going to the Moon, either, like with the current mission. Imagine the money the super-billionaires would pay for their intact bodies being sent whole to Mars, or the Moons of Jupiter! Why, they'd spend billions and billions of dollars, they might give over their entire fortunes to setting up Mausoleums for themselves on the far side of the Moon, along with their entire families. Imagine the money Elon Musk might spend to send his body, and the bodies of perhaps a half-dozen or so of his favorite girlfriends on a journey to Proxima Centauri! My friends this is the future of humanity! This is the future of big business! Human Necropolises for the super-rich in outer space. Quit your jobs, mortgage your houses, invest your life savings, everyone has to get in on the ground floor on this. You can't miss this incredible opportunity! What would Mr. Spock have to say -- "Star Trek, eat your heart out. This is, indeed, the final frontier!"

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Instead of bombing and killing the women of Gaza, why don't the Israelis just rape them?

These days, no war crime is deemed as heinous as "sexual violence". You can kill people, torture them, stick needles in their eyes, cut the digits of their fingers off one by one, flay them alive, crucify them, impale them on stakes, napalm them, maim them in large numbers with anti-personnel bombs and mines, sever their spinal cords, but, don't you dare get near those private parts, that's a terrible offense! Now, the reasons for this are obviously related to the government population control and feminist agendas worldwide. Ever since the spectacular drop in child mortality in the late nineteenth century from perhaps 75% to near zero by 1950 in the developed world, sexuality itself has become progressively more of a "heinous crime" worldwide. Centuries ago, rape was scarcely considered to be a crime at all. After all, women had to be kept pregnant constantly to maintain the human species, so, who really cared much who did it, or how? However, now, all this has changed. Nevertheless, in traditional ancient societies, rape was considered a most excellent, humane, and effective weapon of war. When a town was taken, the men were all put to the sword, but, the women were all taken "captive". And, what being taken "captive" meant was, that they were repeatedly, ferociously, and systematically raped, for perhaps entire decades! This had the effect of controlling them, subduing them, and also, the benefit of maintaining the population. Also, of infusing the population with more of the victorious conquerors' own, native blood. It was win-win! The Russians of course, direct lineal descendants of the great Mongol empires of the past, have never really left off using rape as a highly effective weapon of war. That all-wise master of manipulation, our great friend Josef Stalin, had the wisdom to virtually order his victorious troops in Berlin to go on raping expeditions amongst the local Frauleins. If a red army soldier raped a Russian or Polish woman he would be shot, but, if he raped and impregnated enough German women, he could well be awarded the Gold Star of Lenin! What a terrific means of total and absolute de-Nazification! Now, in traditional Jewish culture, there is ample precedent for this behavior. In the Holy Bible itself, the Jewish Torah, Abraham founds the entire Arab race by raping his wife's maid Hagar, and giving birth to Ishmael. The Talmud tolerates prostitutes "outside the tribe". In other words, rape all the Arab women you want! Indeed, the Talmud also supports this view, by conferring Jewishness only on those who are born of a Jewish mother. The whole of Jewish traditional law is telling the people of Israel exactly how they should subdue the people of Gaza, and it's not by killing them! So, instead of bombings and killings and flooding tunnels, here's what the Israeli Defense Force really has to do: "Shalom, Allahu Akbar, hi guys. We don't want to hurt anybody here, we're the IDF, so send out your ladies, and, we're going to screw all of them. It's nothing personal, this is just a military control exercise, like in the good old days, and, to bloody hell with the UN, right?" This really gives a whole new meaning to the term "military offensive", right?