Russia is producing superb historical war films on the basis of Zelensky's propaganda gaffes
"ПОЛЕ СМЕРТИ" Field of Death 2023
As we know, President Zelensky of Ukraine is making a point of trying to outlaw any, and all forms of Russian culture worldwide. Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, Pushkin and Tolstoy are pure evil, and must be outlawed, because they synthesize the evil of Russia itself, which Zelensky portrays as absolute. To suggest that Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" is somehow a threat to the West is ridiculously funny, of course, but, Zelensky doesn't quite seem to get the joke.
However, the Russians apparently do. Of course, Zelensky's hostility to Russian culture extends to physical culture, and all athletic events. Russia must be barred from all athletic competition, lest the stain of Russia spread internationally, by any means. Such Russophobia is interesting, and, of course, very funny. So, the Russians have taken a very interesting perspective on this issue, from an historical perspective. They have found a very interesting incident in the history of the Nazi wartime occupation of Ukraine, in Kiev. An actual public soccer game between Nazis and Russians, in Kiev, promoted by the Nazis to improve relations between the occupiers, and the occupied! And, the Russians won! And, the Nazis accepted the Russian victory with good grace!
Now, I should emphasize, that this film does not portray the Nazis, in general, in a positive light, at all. They are ruthless, brutal, and totally controlling. They execute the Russians at will, and exterminate Jews and mental patients systematically in mass graves. However, even the Nazis, did have the common sense to not totally dehumanize their enemies. Unlike President Zelensky.
Now, unlike President Zelensky, the Russians do propaganda right. And, the best way to go good propaganda, is simply to tell the truth, in ways that highlight the lies of your enemy. And that's precisely what the film "Field of Death"(2023) does. We actually see the Nazis having some respect for Russian culture, unlike President Zelensky. We see them actually trying to get along with the Russians in occupied Kiev, unlike Zelensky, who seeks to escalate his conflict with the Russians into an apocalyptic world conflict, every chance he gets. What this film is really saying, is that President Zelensky is much, much crazier than Adolf Hitler ever was! And, unfortunately, that is quite correct.
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