What if Germany had pursued massive, unrestricted submarine warfare from the very start of WWI?
The Kaiser’s Germany wasn’t a bad country at all really, possibly superior to supposedly democratic France, Britain and the U.S. If Germany had fully realized how vulnerable Britain was to starvation by blockade from U-boats, and if Britain hadn’t anticipated this very quickly, massive production of U-boats and totally unrestricted submarine warfare could literally have starved Britain out by siege within six months! It would have been a rightful retribution for the Irish Hunger in the 1840’s, when Capitalist exploitation of Irish farmland by the British starved half the population of Ireland to death. The British were using most of their farmland for sheep fodder, which was more profitable than growing food, and the British were importing their food from Canada and Australia, quite cheaply. U-boats could have almost wiped out the British population by starvation, if employed in large numbers and without mercy to merchant shipping. Britain is knocked out of the war early, France is overrun, Russia sues for peace. It should be noted that the British had learned their lesson by WWII, since by this time, they were using their farmland to grow the perfect diet — potatoes, brussels sprouts and spinach! That’s one of the big reasons the Nazis lost the battle of Britain!
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