Instead of bombing and killing the women of Gaza, why don't the Israelis just rape them?
These days, no war crime is deemed as heinous as "sexual violence". You can kill people, torture them, stick needles in their eyes, cut the digits of their fingers off one by one, flay them alive, crucify them, impale them on stakes, napalm them, maim them in large numbers with anti-personnel bombs and mines, sever their spinal cords, but, don't you dare get near those private parts, that's a terrible offense! Now, the reasons for this are obviously related to the government population control and feminist agendas worldwide. Ever since the spectacular drop in child mortality in the late nineteenth century from perhaps 75% to near zero by 1950 in the developed world, sexuality itself has become progressively more of a "heinous crime" worldwide. Centuries ago, rape was scarcely considered to be a crime at all. After all, women had to be kept pregnant constantly to maintain the human species, so, who really cared much who did it, or how? However, now, all this has changed.
Nevertheless, in traditional ancient societies, rape was considered a most excellent, humane, and effective weapon of war. When a town was taken, the men were all put to the sword, but, the women were all taken "captive". And, what being taken "captive" meant was, that they were repeatedly, ferociously, and systematically raped, for perhaps entire decades! This had the effect of controlling them, subduing them, and also, the benefit of maintaining the population. Also, of infusing the population with more of the victorious conquerors' own, native blood. It was win-win!
The Russians of course, direct lineal descendants of the great Mongol empires of the past, have never really left off using rape as a highly effective weapon of war. That all-wise master of manipulation, our great friend Josef Stalin, had the wisdom to virtually order his victorious troops in Berlin to go on raping expeditions amongst the local Frauleins. If a red army soldier raped a Russian or Polish woman he would be shot, but, if he raped and impregnated enough German women, he could well be awarded the Gold Star of Lenin! What a terrific means of total and absolute de-Nazification!
Now, in traditional Jewish culture, there is ample precedent for this behavior. In the Holy Bible itself, the Jewish Torah, Abraham founds the entire Arab race by raping his wife's maid Hagar, and giving birth to Ishmael. The Talmud tolerates prostitutes "outside the tribe". In other words, rape all the Arab women you want! Indeed, the Talmud also supports this view, by conferring Jewishness only on those who are born of a Jewish mother. The whole of Jewish traditional law is telling the people of Israel exactly how they should subdue the people of Gaza, and it's not by killing them!
So, instead of bombings and killings and flooding tunnels, here's what the Israeli Defense Force really has to do:
"Shalom, Allahu Akbar, hi guys. We don't want to hurt anybody here, we're the IDF, so send out your ladies, and, we're going to screw all of them. It's nothing personal, this is just a military control exercise, like in the good old days, and, to bloody hell with the UN, right?"
This really gives a whole new meaning to the term "military offensive", right?
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