What if technologies were infinitely generalizable?
Yesterday, I was discussing at some length the issue of "terraforming Mars" on reddit science. I managed to accumulate a truly enormous number of negative points -- 100 or more I think -- for noting that the entire concept is probably a total waste of time. After all we've never terraformed a planet, we don't know how to terraform a planet, and we can't even avoid largely destroying our own planet, so, what's the point?
Now, the counter-argument is that "in concept" we really do know how to terraform Mars, because, after all, we do affect our own planet, so, "theoretically", it's the same thing. It was also suggested that the fact that NASA is planning a mission to retrieve a small boulder from an asteroid, hence, "in concept", the same principle applies to bombarding Mars with sufficient asteroids to change the atmosphere to an earthlike state.
Now, the problem here, is that technologies aren't infinitely generalizable. The fact that I can drive my car to work doesn't necessarily mean that I can drive my car to Alpha Centauri, or even to Mars. Doesn't matter how much will power I have, I still can't do it. And, trying to do it, will simply be a total waste of time. Effectively, simply saying that something has been proven "in concept", usually means you're either a liar, or a fool. If you can't do it, now, you don't really know if you can do it at all. And, generally, effective new technologies require whole new levels of complexity, and ideas.
I think the big problem with even contemplating the idea of "terraforming Mars" is that it really has nothing to do with Mars. It's just another way of obsessing over what we're doing to our own planet, and avoiding developing new ideas and concepts. It's fascist, retrograde thinking, and lacks all creativity. Because, if technologies were infinitely generalizable, Adolf Hitler would have won the Second World War. The essence of fascism, is that conventional approaches always work, and that new ideas are unnecessary and undesirable.