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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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Form input - by Günter Born

Monday, August 07, 2023

American women want Donald Trump to experience the pain and humiliation of an unwanted pregnancy

Anyone objectively following the current Democratic legal feeding frenzy on former President Donald Trump can't help feeling a certain sense of shock and astonishment at its ferocity. After all, this was a man who for some seventy years or so was a rather popular public figure, first as an innovative real estate entrepreneur, then, as an actor and entrepreneur in the entertainment industry. He wasn't universally loved, but, he was considered an interesting and fairly useful character. Now, apparently, nearing the age of eighty, he has suddenly become public enemy number one -- a tax evader, a rapist, and, most of all, a traitor who attempted the violent overthrow of the Federal government of the United States. Now, I think there's a certain fundamental problem particularly with this final, and apparently most serious accusation. I would argue, that accusing Donald Trump of trying to overthrow the government of the United States would be somewhat analogous to accusing Forrest Gump of trying to join MENSA, the high IQ society. It just wouldn't have worked. He simply doesn't have the intelligence, the ability, the skill or the experience to do it, under any circumstances whatsoever. And, one of the basic principles of law is that people have to at least have some possibility of doing damage, to have committed any crime whatsoever. Merely wishing, or talking vaguely about taking over the country, is not a crime, even for the President of the United States. Not if there's no way you can do it. Trump has a big mouth, and Trump rambles on about all kinds of ridiculous things, all the time. And, everybody knows this. So, what's going on here exactly? I think, basically, Donald Trump was not expecting to be elected President of the U.S. And, I think he would have been much better off if he hadn't been elected President of the U.S. As Clint Eastwood so wisely tells in "Magnum Force", "a man's got to know his limitations". And, Clint Eastwood himself was briefly in politics, as mayor of Carmel California, was popular, did a pretty good job, and decided enough was enough. As Clint put it "I'm not sure my life would bear the kind of scrutiny necessary in politics." In other words, he probably didn't want to called by political opponents on all the pretty young women he might or might not have raped in his very long and illustrious romantic career. You see, politicians make enemies. Big, bad enemies. And, I really don't think Donald Trump understood this small point when he entered politics at the very highest level. The level at which you make the biggest, baddest enemies. He thought it would be just like running any other company. He thought he could do whatever he wanted, without getting into particularly serious trouble. And, that was a big mistake, on his part. How did Trump manage to defeat Hillary Clinton? Well, all you have to do to understand that is to read the two novels written by Bill Clinton with James Patterson. Now, I enjoy James Patterson's innumerable novels and books on all subjects. Given how enormously prolific he is, Mr. Patterson maintains an extraordinarily high standard of writing, plotting character development, and, even non-fiction writing at times. However, with Bill Clinton as his "co-author", you can see just how revolting the Clintons are as people. I'd always had a fairly positive impression of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, but, the personality that comes out in these god-awfully bad books is so disgustingly loathsome that it's almost mind boggling. Basically, Mr. Trump is simply a much more charming and appealing character than Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. However, the Clintons do have some idea how to protect themselves. Mr. Trump does not. So, why is Mr. Trump currently being eaten alive by the American legal system? I think the answer is quite specific, and it's not being publicly presented. Mr. Trump was personally responsible for appointing judges to the U.S. Supreme Court who overturned Roe V. Wade, the great protection women had in obtaining legal abortions. Now, personally, I very much doubt that Mr. Trump has very strong opinions on this issue, one way, or another. I don't believe he's at all religious, and I don't think he hates women. It just proved politically expedient for him to adopt an anti-abortion position, in order to attract Republican supporters. It was a purely cynical, calculating move on his part. And, as a result, Trump may not hate women, but, women, certainly do hate Trump! So, the situation now, is that Trump represents the symbol of female oppression to all American women, and women want him to feel their pain. They want him to suffer, and be humiliated, in exactly the same way that a poor woman who can't get an abortion now, and is forced to bear an unwanted child, suffers. And, by way of the legal system, that's exactly what's being arranged for Trump. He's suffering like he never has before, in his life, he's being humiliated in ways he thought were impossible for someone in his position. Just like a woman having to bear a child she really never wanted, and doesn't want, but, now, can't legally get rid of. Is this justice? I don't know. Maybe.


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