What if there had been no Cuban Missile Crisis?
The Cuban Missile Crisis is one of those odd historical events which are considered critical to world history, but in which nothing much really happened. Nothing much was created or destroyed, there was no war, no governments or nations rose or fell, no great men were born or died. It might be compared, I suppose, to the Munich Agreement of 1938 -- there was a conflict, and it was resolved comparatively peacefully. Unlike the Munich Agreement, the peace has been maintained.
So, what if there had been no Cuban Missile Crisis, at all? This surely isn't difficult to imagine. If anything, the Cuban Missile Crisis itself required a rather unusual conflux of circumstances to occur -- in particular, two egomaniacal and somewhat irrational leaders in the U.S. and the U.S.S.R respectively, at the same time.
With no Cuban Missile Crisis, or some rather comparable event, controls over nuclear weapons would likely be less stringent, as they were before the crisis. No nuclear test ban treaties, in particular. Would this make nuclear warfare much more likely? I'm not really sure. Currently, with the ongoing Ukraine war, many world leaders are saying nuclear warfare is much more likely than it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The nuclear test ban treaties also had a very chilling effect on scientific research on civilian applications of nuclear weapons -- which would no longer be weapons, of course, in purely civilian applications. For example, Project Orion,
a practical NASA project intended to use nuclear bombs to propel spacecraft, had to be abandoned, once all use of nuclear bombs for any application whatsoever became illegal under international law. Now, this is particularly unfortunate, because development of civilian applications of nuclear explosives might lead to development of much less dangerous and more practically useful designs for nuclear weapons. They might not be weapons, or even particularly explosive, anymore, at all.
I think one of the unintended side effects of the nuclear test ban treaties may have been the explosion of research into controlled nuclear fusion -- experimental technologies developed in the lab to produce nuclear fusion in non-explosive form for purposes of commercial energy production. After all, with all nuclear explosions now illegal, nuclear scientists had to find something to do with their time, didn't they? I think it could be reasonably stated that controlled nuclear fusion is the only long term multi-billion dollar industry with no commercially marketable products whatsoever. Commercially viable controlled nuclear fusion has always been just a decade away for sixty years now.
So, what if there had been no Cuban Missile Crisis? Any other thoughts?
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