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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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by The JavaScript Source

Form input - by Günter Born

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

The "coup" in Russia gives Prigozhin's Wagner mercenaries the perfect cover for "counterterrorism" in Poland

There was something very odd about the "coup" in Russia recently. In particular, how almost nobody ended up dead, in particular, the coup leaders. And how it doesn't appear to have had any noticeable effect on the Russian government, at all. Also, how the main result of this supposed coup was the relocation in Belarus of the largest and deadliest Russian mercenary organization -- where they have ready access to both Poland and Ukraine. What does seem quite clear is that the Kremlin is very anxious to distance themselves as much as possible from the Wagner Mercenary Group's activities, even, and especially when, their activities quite clearly favor the interests of Russia and the Kremlin! So, in the recent coup in Niger, the Wagner mercenary group overthrew the current government in favor of a pro-Russian regime, but the Kremlin expressed deep concern over this event indeed, and categorically denies any involvement in it, at all. Now, currently, the Polish government is expressing deep concern, not over the possibility of an actual, open, armed attack by the Wagner mercenaries, which they could probably repulse. But, rather, the Poles are worried about the likelihood of hundreds of Russian mercenaries infiltrating into Poland under cover, and sabotaging military installations and weapons stores destined for Ukraine. Now, that does seem like quite a legitimate concern for the Poles to have, doesn't it? Of course, if the Poles could make a case that Russians in numbers were attacking, with government backing, Polish territory, then they could attempt to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Accord, and obtain armed support from any and all NATO members to retaliate for said attack. And, although Russia's contempt for NATO is becoming more and more apparent as NATO's most advanced weapons systems continue to fail miserably in the current Ukraine War, still, the Russians would just as soon avoid the invocation of Article 5 if they can avoid it. So, that's precisely why we have such an elaborate campaign of deception on the part of the Russians to try to distance themselves from Wagner's activities, and maintain an air of plausible deniability regarding anything whatsoever they might do, however much it might clearly be in Russia's interests for them to have done it. So, if all of the sudden, which is very likely indeed in the very near future, weapons stockpiles in Poland destined for the Ukrainian resistance start blowing up for no apparent reason, then the Russian politicians can maintain a virtuous wide-eyed innocence in facing the world press. Even if Russia's Wagner mercenaries themselves are captured red handed engaging in obvious sabotage in Poland, the Russians can point to their own "horrible experiences" with these same mercenaries -- "Why they tried to take over the Russian government itself! How could we possibly have any involvement with them, at all? How can we possibly control them in Poland, when we can't even control them in Russia? They're crazy wild-men, who knows why they do anything, at all, but, it certainly has nothing whatsoever to do with us!" The fact is, the Russians are very good at what they do, and what they do is military conquest and control. And, they've been at it for close on a thousand years now, largely following up and improving on techniques adopted from the Mongol Golden Horde. Although the U.S. may have "won the Cold War", Russia is cleaning the U.S.' clock currently, and making the military leaders in the Pentagon and in NATO look like total fools. And when all the Ukraine's stockpiles of weapons in Poland start blowing up spontaneously very shortly, we'll all know who's behind it, won't we?


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