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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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by The JavaScript Source

Form input - by Günter Born

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is the historical purpose of Russia, to bring decadent empires down?

If we look at Russian history, it's remarkable for the number of powerful empires that have, effectively been destroyed rather completely by the Russians -- the Mongol Golden Horde, the Ottoman Empire, the Swedish Empire, Napoleon's Empire, and Hitler's Nazi Empire. All destroyed by the Russians, primarily anyway, and all to the benefit of the Russians themselves, who gained territory and power by the empires they brought down. Is this what Russia is for, basically? Centrally and vulnerably located in the middle of Eurasia, at the conflux of many great nation states, any of which could become a great empire, and a threat to Russia, the Russians have acquired the ability to defend themselves furiously and brilliantly, and to destroy overweening and powerful empires that presume to challenge her, and attempt to destroy her. It's what they do. Currently, we see NATO claiming that Russia is a threat to the current world order, and must be brought to heel, and must submit to NATO rule and power. Of course, NATO doesn't quite put it this way. Rather, NATO insists that it merely is preserving the peace, and maintaining an ideal world order, in which NATO, perhaps not entirely coincidentally, happens to make the rules, and dictates policy. Naturally, the Russians don't quite see it this way. The Russians will attempt to preserve their own nation's independence and power, by any means necessary, and are perfectly happy to do so. And, actually, most of the world is largely in agreement with them. It's not that Russia is perfect or close to it, or even that Russia is necessarily a better or more generous nation than the NATO nations. But, Russia is an alternative to NATO's overweening pride and power, and, that is a welcome relief to the majority of the citizens of the world. The poorer nations in the world in Africa and South America and the Indian subcontinent, in particular, look to Russia to even the playing field a bit, and give them a slightly bigger share of the pie. And, in all probability, the Russians will do just that, for a while anyway. They have to, to maintain their support. So, what we are seeing currently in the Russo-Ukrainian war, effectively a Russo-NATO war fought by proxy, is a redistribution of wealth and power away from the NATO nations, and to Russia and her allies, like China and India. Russia, as usual, is not allowing herself to be pushed around by the great, traditional empires, no matter how powerful they, or others, may think they are. Russia is intimidated by no one, and will kowtow to no one. And, this is, historically, why Russia is so important to the world. Russia shakes things up, when the traditional empires get complacent. Russia keeps things moving forwards, when the great empires want them to stay the way they are, forever, with themselves on top, forever. Russia will not permit this. And, this is Russia's great contribution to human civilization! Russia makes sure the human species keeps moving forwards, when the great empires, currently NATO, want them to freeze in place, forever, with themselves on top. God Bless Russia!


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