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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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Form input - by Günter Born

Monday, August 12, 2024

Why NATO and Ukraine are repeatedly staging "Dieppe" like raids on Russia

The 1942 Dieppe raid on Nazi Germany was a disastrous raid on Nazi Germany's "Fortress Europe" mounted in 1942, in which thousands of allied lives were lost, and thousands taken prisoner. The raid was undertaken under pressure from Josef Stalin and the USSR for a second front. It was not repeated. Having seen the disastrous results of this raid, the allies realized that they would have to build up their forces massively to effectively confront Nazi Germany. Millions of American troops were imported into Britain for this purpose. In addition, the Russians were destroying most of the German war machine in Russia. After another two years, the allies were ready to mount an effective landing. So, the question is, why are NATO and Ukraine mounting repeated, disastrous incursions into Russia, none of which are even remotely successful, and all of which sacrifice thousands of troops and billions of dollars in equipment, basically for nothing? It's not the Russians suffering casualties here, it's the Ukrainians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Belgorod_Oblast_incursions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_2024_Kursk_Oblast_incursion Just today, Zelensky has begun claiming to control 1000 sq km. of Russia. Since there are no indications that more than 1000 Ukrainians terrorists are actually in Russia, and since tens of thousands, at least, would be required to control this much territory, we can quite confidently dismiss these ridiculous claims. Nevertheless, they are being reported in the Russian media, probably just to get the Russian people angry. It isn't breaking their morale. Volunteers are pouring in to join the Russian military, as a direct result of Zelensky's ridiculous claims. Thankyou President Zelensky! All that's happening, is that the Russians are mopping up, and using this as a rationale to expand their operations in Ukraine, which haven't lightened up a bit. So, why, exactly are NATO and Ukraine repeatedly staging these ridiculous incursions, that are only weakening Ukraine and NATO, and are making Russia stronger. Why didn't they learn their lesson the first time, like the allies learned at Dieppe, in 1942? Well, I think the reason is, quite simply, that while the allies had the option of building up their forces in 1942, and did so, the fact is, NATO is spending just about as much, if not more than it can afford, as it is, on this war. And, the Ukrainians are basically out of manpower to do anything much more, either. And, there's no other Russian enemy about to attack them and weaken them either, despite Western fantasies of China invading Russia! So, despite the utter futility of these incursions into Russia, indeed, despite their purely self-destructive nature, it's all that NATO and Ukraine can do. They're stuck in a vicious circle of purely self-destructive attacks, because they have no other option, and they're just hoping that if they talk enough about "light at the end of the tunnel", these tactics will somehow, rather magically, work. The situation for the U.S. and NATO in Ukraine is rather like the situation of the U.S. in South Vietnam. They had no business being there, the nation they were trying to support didn't really exist, and there were powerful regional forces opposing them. So, no matter how much money they threw into the problem, it didn't get them anywhere. Again, an endless series of Dieppe raids, with no light at the end of the tunnel, anywhere. An endless, pointless morass, while the Russian enemy steadily advanced. Just like Ukraine!


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