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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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Form input - by Günter Born

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Russian diversion in Kharkiv is proceeding as planned.

These days, the western media is full of news articles praising the wonderful achievements of the Ukrainian military, with the help of the magnificent wonder weapons provided by the fabulous engineers and scientists of NATO countries. Why, the Russians were on the verge of taking Kharkiv, and, thanks to those NATO wonder weapons, why, the Ukrainians stopped them cold! Not only that, these NATO wonder weapons, built by NATO's fabulous engineers and scientists are pounding Russia and Crimea, so, the Russians will certainly have to sue for peace very soon, because, otherwise, they'll be wiped off the planet, and the Ukrainians will simply be able to walk into Moscow and Crimea, totally unopposed! Why, we could be talking about an entire Ukrainian Empire, stretching from the Baltics to the Pacific Ocean! President Zelensky is, very generously, offering the Russians peace talks. All they have to do is withdraw from all territories they currently occupy. Now, I believe there might be a few slight distortions in this particular picture being presented. First of all, the Russians were never actually trying to take Kharkiv, not with just 30,000 troops, which is all they actually put into the battle. They were trying to establish a buffer zone, they established a buffer zone, and they're keeping the buffer zone. Despite putting most of their rather few remaining troops into the area, the Ukrainians are unable to dislodge the Russians. However, these Ukrainian troop movements have made it rather easier for the Russians to advance in the East and the South, which, they are doing rather systematically now, and rather more easily than before. Russia is continuing to conquer and colonize Ukraine, slowly but surely, one town at a time, taking towns and territory on a weekly basis now. In Crimea, the Ukrainians are indeed firing off extremely expensive NATO rockets built by fabulous NATO scientists and engineers, however, they're doing minimal damage. We've heard almost weekly for years now, how the bridge to Crimea was no longer operational, however, the bridge to Crimea is still being regularly used, supplemented, of course, by ferries and boat traffic. We've heard almost weekly for years now, how the Russians had been driven out of the Black Sea, but, the Russians are still patrolling the Black Sea, and enforcing a blockade there. Russians are flocking to Crimea, they aren't fleeing it, as they are to Mariupol and Melitopol, and other areas in South Ukraine, because of the mild climate and Russian prosperity. Virtually all "partisan" activity has ceased in Russian controlled territory in the former Ukraine. Russians have colonized and absorbed it. Of course, there are the F-16's. We've heard for years now how this forty year old American air frame was going to transform the war. Actually, it hasn't done much, at all. Actually, most of these "wonder weapons" haven't done much, at all. That's because NATO scientists and engineers, although very expensive, haven't actually done much at all. So, what's really going on here? Well, last year, Ukraine attempted to stage some kind of a breakthrough in Russian held territory. They failed completely -- so completely, that the Americans temporarily cut off military assistance. What are the Ukrainians trying to do now, exactly? It looks like the bar is now being set pretty low for continuing aid -- minimal further Russians advances, and some slight Ukrainian gains. Problem is, even that very minimal goal seems almost unattainable, as Ukraine is out of manpower and the Ukrainian people themselves are refusing to fight. So, what's going to happen next? Russia will continue to slowly advance, Ukraine will continue to slowly retreat, the NATO weapons will prove effectively useless. Russia will continue to prosper, NATO will continue to wither. Putin has demanded all of southeastern Ukraine be surrendered formerly to Russia. Within a year or so, NATO and the Ukrainians will give it to him. And the rest of Ukraine will be, effectively, a Russian protectorate, under Russian control. The Kharkiv diversion will have succeeded brilliantly. Well done, Vladimir Putin!


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