There are no "wonder weapons"
Once more, we hear of "wonder weapons", from the NATO propaganda wizards. The NATO weapons are so magnificent, so effective, that, no matter how fast the Russian economy grows, no matter how willing their population is to fight, no matter how few soldiers the Ukrainians have, NATO cannot possibly lose. Does this sound familiar at all? Well, it should. It's a lot like the "game-changer" scenario we've been hearing for years in this war, how some new weapons system or other was so superior to anything the Russians had, that they couldn't possibly win. It was over. Our scientists and engineers had saved the day.
It's also a lot like what the Nazis kept saying in WWII. No matter how great the industrial and overall conventional military superiority the Americans and the British had, the German superman and his "wonder weapons" would save the day, in the end. I wonder, do the British intelligence fools using this term "wonder weapons" even remember that that's exactly the same term that Hitler used in saying he could defeat Churchill, in WWII? Or, are the British deliberately taking a page out of the Nazi playbook in WWII, for some reason that eludes me? Maybe they think this kind of disinformation is the best they can actually do, under these circumstances? Have they actually concluded by this time that they cannot actually beat the Russians, so, the best they can do is prolong the conflict with systematic disinformation of this type, and hope to do as much damage as possible in the meantime, to the Russians? Maybe so.
I've no doubt a limited amount of damage is being done by these extremely high-priced NATO missiles, however, it's not really that great a bang for the buck. NATO engineers and scientists don't work cheap, and, they aren't really "supermen", at all. Just overpriced, overhyped technicians. So, the overpriced stuff they're throwing at the Russians is more just a source of irritation, than anything else. As were those "wonder weapons" the V1 and V2 rockets, in WWII. Actually, I'm quite sure the V1 and V2 did far more damage than any of the NATO missiles are doing to Russia. The damage is hyped to the skies, but, we're just talking about a plane here, a tank there, an artillery station somewhere else, all destroyed by very, very expensive missiles. Of course the NATO engineers are very proud of their work, but, other than a lot of hype, rather modest damage seems to be being done. The main claim is that Kharkiv is now, "no longer in danger". It never was! Not from just 30,000 Russian troops, it's a city of 1.5 million for chrissakes!
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