Will Donald Trump and his family emigrate to Russia?
At the time of the French Revolution, that great "enlightened despot", Catherine the Great, of Russia, provided a haven and refuge to those Nobles who had been forced to emigrate from France. These French Nobles were threatened with prison, torture and death, for allegedly raping and pillaging the people and the nation of France. But, of course, one person's "rape", is another person's simple seduction, and one person's theft and pillage, is another person's constructive commercial exploitation. So, Catherine the Great took a broad view, and permitted these displaced, formerly wealthy Nobles, to be relocated to her Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, so long as they formally renounced the French Revolution, and all its violence and radicalism.
Is history repeating itself, once again? Is not former American President, Donald Trump, and likely his entire family, being threatened with prison, torture and death, for allegedly raping and pillaging the people of the United States? Certainly, Donald Trump is being threatened with imprisonment, for financial fraud and rape, as current court proceedings clearly demonstrate. And, if he is imprisoned, he'll require, as a former President of the U.S., that his secret service agents accompany him, in his cell. Can anyone truly imagine what it would be like to be a secret service agent guarding Donald Trump indefinitely in his prison cell in New York State, twenty-four hours a day? Surely, it's inevitable that Mr. Trump would "hang himself while we slept." Or, perhaps, Mr. Trump would bash his brains in against the wall of the prison cell, "before we could stop him." And, surely, a similar fate is likely to be in store for Ivanka, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and all the rest, as the wild, Revolutionary mobs of Americans rush to tear them limb from limb. I suspect we might, eventually, be able to add Elon Musk to that list, too.
In the light of these self-evident facts, can we not see that the entire Trump family is very likely indeed, to attempt to emigrate to Russia, in the very near future? Would not enlightened despot Vladimir Putin welcome them to the Winter Palace, in St. Petersburg, very much as Catherine the Great welcomed their French antecedents centuries ago? All they'd have to do is formerly and publicly condemn American violence in Ukraine, and they'd be set for life in Russia. Indeed, given the tit for tat nature of American politics, it seems very likely indeed, that we will see many American Presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, forced to flee the U.S. in the face of State charges against them, in future. Perhaps an entire wing of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg could be set aside as a refuge for American Presidents driven from their native land in the future, and finding refuge in Imperial Russia.
And, one can see the smiling Sainted, Catherine the Great, of Russia, joyfully welcoming them from on high, in Heaven, surrounded by choruses of singing angels, and flanked by God, and Jesus Christ himself!
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