Elon Musk products are like NATO weapons systems -- overpriced and overhyped
I can't help but noticing, as I follow developments in the Russo-Ukrainian war, just how much the descriptions of NATO weapons sound like descriptions of Elon Musk products like Neuralink and Starship -- "revolutionary", "a game-changer", "unprecedented", "unbeatable". And, I also can't help noticing, that Russia still keeps gaining territory, despite these "magnificent" NATO weapons systems that the Ukrainians are employing. Indeed, both the Russians and the Ukrainians seem to do just as well with Soviet era weapons, or even WWII era weapons. Even Elon Musk's "magnificent" Starlink system doesn't seem to be giving the Ukrainians much of an edge in this particular war. This makes me wonder if Elon Musk is actually a symptom of a much broader problem in Western science, engineering and business, in general. To what extent is the entire construct of Western science and engineering a giant Ponzi scheme, in which Elon Musk is merely one of the largest of a great number of Capitalist Spiders at the center of an enormous web of corruption and incompetence?
It is notable that the life expectancy of the average American has dropped from 80 to 76 in the last twenty years, while Russian life expectancy has risen from 64 to 73. So, why are we saying that Vladimir Putin is an incompetent, corrupt dictator, while American Presidents are noble, virtuous and brilliant in all things? Indeed, given that currently we are trying to put our last President in prison, why are we saying this, at all?
Certainly, American engineers, doctors and scientists claim immense progress in all things. And, indeed, there have been certain developments and changes over the last few decades -- we all have cell phones, and we have more computer technology in automobiles. We have the GPS. Does the GPS represent an improvement over ordinary maps? Possibly.
The GPS is often cited by physicists and engineers as an overwhelming proof of that greatest of all scientific theories, Einstein's theory of Relativity. This is because satellites tens of thousands of miles from earth, in zero or near zero gravity, show effects on the order of microseconds on the hour in the operation of atomic clocks. In other words, because gravity has very small effects on the operation of atomic clocks, this is proof positive that time itself has been distorted. Surely, there are potential confounds here?
Many Nobel Prizes have been awarded to physicists for providing further "proof" of Relativity. Alfred Nobel was a great Swedish Capitalist who invented dynamite, and used the proceeds to fund the Nobel Prizes at his death. Why did he do this, exactly? Do we really have great scientific developments every year, regularly? Or, was Alfred Nobel simply trying to give the Swedish government the opportunity to control and influence precisely what technologies were most likely to be developed?
In 1952, the first H-bomb was exploded. Limitless, inexpensive energy, for the taking. What happened? Massive regulation, test ban treaties, FBI enforcement so no one can possess more than a few pounds of Uranium. What do we have instead? Controlled Nuclear Fusion research. Endless research, forever, at huge expense, to create "harmless" nuclear energy. Isn't this a logical contradiction in terms?
Are we on the wrong track, just possibly?
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