A perspective on the sudden, unexpected death of J. Roger Hurt, your longtime parishioner at the New Hope United Methodist Church, OKC
I was very saddened to hear of the death a few days ago of J.Roger Hurt, who had been a good friend of mine for several years. I'm just an old homeless man who knew him from your monthly outreach in downtown OKC, but, he was always very kind to me, would bring me books regularly, and we would debate politics and history with great gusto for hours at a time.
What was particularly disturbing was that such a kind, good man should be deprived of enjoying any retirement at all, after a life of such hard work, to earn the money to enjoy it. He talked of retiring shortly, and of all the things he was looking forward to doing during his retirement. Why on earth would God deprive him of what he so richly deserved? Where is the justice in this?
And then, I got to thinking about Roger's profession a bit. He was a medical malpractice specialist. He defended doctors who were being sued for malpractice. He earned his living, and, presumably, a very good living, defending incompetent physicians. He referred to them as his "colleagues", and was probably vacationing with them a few days ago, at the time of his death in Europe. Obviously, they hadn't the slightest idea he was in any danger, and he died despite their "expertise".
So, is it all possible that their is a certain divine justice in this, after all? Roger was a good man, he had a good life, and he had an easy, quick death. Fair enough. But, is it at all possible, that God was saying, "Hey, Roger, you earn your retirement money defending quacks, you don't GET a retirement! Got it buddy! Sorry about that, but, you asked for it!".
It is said that "Man plans, God laughs!'. It is also said that God loves practical jokes. Is it at all possible that we have a perfect example of this right here? I'm doubtful you'll want to include these points in his eulogy at his funeral, but, possibly this perspective might just make some people feel better about his sudden, premature death. It also isn't a bad proof of the existence of God!
Jerry Kraus
P.S. I just love theology!
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