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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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by The JavaScript Source

Form input - by Günter Born

Saturday, January 08, 2022

No theory is as good as data

The link below shows a U-tube video illustrating how Dark Matter makes Einstein's theory of Relativity obsolete. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUtdLfdnpzs Now, really, Dark Matter made Relativity obsolete thirty years ago, when it was first discovered. After all, we have 90% of the universe's matter that doesn't interact with the electromagnetic spectrum at all, and Einstein's theory is based on the fundamental assumption that nothing can possibly go faster than light, because nothing does in the electromagnetic spectrum as we understand it. Einstein himself would be saying "OY VEH, I'm an idiot! They were right when they classified me as mentally retarded!". Can anyone imagine Sir Isaac Newton writing his Principia, if 90% of the matter in the universe didn't interact with Gravity!?? Nevertheless this hasn't stopped most physicists from sticking hard to Relativity. After all, academics wouldn't be academics if they had any imagination, integrity or common sense, would they now? Nor has it stopped the Nobel Prize committee from continuing to award Nobel Prizes for "proving" Relativity once more. Alfred Nobel really loved practical jokes you see. He invented Dynamite, and he founded the Nobel Prizes. Funny, eh? Basically, the Theory of Relativity is eloquent nonsense. The evidence supporting it is either artifactual, distorted or simply fabricated. It is a total scam, and Dark Matter proves it. The fact that most professional physicists still swear by it simply confirms that they are frauds. Or, simply fools. So, let's forget about the Theory of Relativity. No Theory is as good as data, you know. There is no reason whatsover, anymore to believe it's impossible for spacecraft to travel faster than light. We've never really tried to build nuclear powered spacecraft that can travel faster than light, so why not have a go now? All those earth-like planets are just waiting out there for us, with our nuclear powered faster than light spacecraft. Did Leif Ericson have a theory when he discoved America? No, he did not. He just followed the ocean till he got to Newfoundland. Did Christopher Columbus have a theory when he rediscovered America? Yes, he did. He thought the earth was half as big as it is, and that nothing lay between Europe and China. His theory was total crap, but, he got lucky anyway. No theory is as good as data, you see. Take our current NASA space program. Please! Take the Artemis Project. Please! Now the Artemis Project is intended to correct a grave injustice from the Apollo Program. This program, which thoroughly wasted 10% of the then current U.S. budget on an entirely worthless, pointless enterprise, had no female astronauts as part of the program. And women like to waste money too, you know! So, the Artemis project is intended to correct this ommission, by landing a woman on the Moon. Or, and possibly someone can look into this for me, is the purpose simply to get one of Elon Musk's ex-girlfriends out of his hair for a while? Surely, Elon Musk would like to do something useful for a change. Elon has two problems. Firstly, he's a total whore who will do anything for a buck. Secondly, he doesn't really have a lot of imagination. He doesn't invent better mousetraps, he repaints old mousetraps, and aggressively markets them as new mousetraps. He isn't a master of the science of the "possible". He's a master of the science of the "actual". So, why doesn't Elon Musk get into nuclear powered spacecraft, rather than sticking with conventional rocket design? He's got the money. Why not do something truly original? Who knows, there might even be a buck or two in building real "starships", that can really go to the stars.


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