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The Geek's Raven
[An excerpt, with thanks to Marcus Bales]

Once upon a midnight dreary,
fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bedsheets,
Still I sat there, doing spreadsheets:
Having reached the bottom line,
I took a floppy from the drawer.
Typing with a steady hand, I then invoked the SAVE command
But got instead a reprimand: it read "Abort, Retry, Ignore".

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by The JavaScript Source

Form input - by Günter Born

Saturday, October 14, 2023

A perspective on the Russian point of view

I would recommend the following film, much of it in English, although there are no subtitles, as a good perspective on the Russian point of view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uONM3UvntY4 It's called "war", but there actually is no literal war, in the normal sense of the term in it. It was made in 2012, in Russia, and is about some Russian soldiers and English tourists taken hostage by Chechens, in Russia. Some are beheaded, some are held for ransom. Two are released to attempt to obtain a ransom for the others. They come back, and basically kill all the Chechen hostage takers in order to rescue the Russians and an Englishwoman. I believe this film may have been a bit of a message to the West, from Russia, about what to expect from them. At one point as the Russian soldier and the Englishman, John, are on the route to rescue the others, they have to kill some tribesmen on the road. John is terribly upset, and says he can't do this, he can't shoot and kill people. The Russian soldier starts yelling at him: "It's not about killing and shooting John. It's about blood! It's blood!" In other words, the Russian perspective on life is, if I can make you bleed more than you can make me bleed, I win. I think if you look closely at what's currently happening in Ukraine and Israel these days, you can kind of see what the Russians mean, can't you?


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